Monday, September 1, 2014

A Few of My Favorite Things....

Greetings, readers! I'm still giving this a go, for now. I have been really immersing myself in some extra solid teaching for the last few days, and of course, feeling better about life! Focusing on me is always the worst idea. Always.

Well, I had planned on talking about a new principle that I'm working on, but maybe instead I'll talk about what I've been listening to and watching. I hope it encourages you as much as it has me. None of the things I link to are mine, so don't break any laws with them, okay?

First of all, I watched a fabulous video from Joni & Friends. I have really grown to appreciate her over the last few years. I read her book, A Place of Healing, and I find her spirit and attitude just amazing. It is obvious how much she loves the Lord. Anyway, the video is about Chuck Colson's grandson, Max, who lives with autism. Mostly it highlights the joy he brings to his family, specifically his mom, Emily. The second half is about RC Sproul Jr's daughter Shannon who was born with a rare disease. The video is a few years old, and Shannon has since gone to be with Jesus. You can watch the video here.

I also watched this video of Todd Friel speaking on the subject of anxiety. So. Good. I tend to be an anxious person, over really stupid things. This video addressed several things I struggle with. It's a little over an hour, but worth every minute. Also go to youtube and check out Wretched TV. Todd knows what's up.

I just listened to this short little 2 part series by John MacArthur called If God's Will is so Important, Why Can't I Find It? This stuff is gold, people. I appreciate the ministry of John MacArthur so much. I love that he loves to preach the word of God, therefore, no matter how old a sermon might be, it is so relevant for today. The word of God always speaks to what we need, because it is living and active, my friends! 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work."

Amen! The reproof and correction can be so painful, but we need it, and we will be equipped for every good work that God has preordained for us. I'm so thankful for that.

You can listen to all of MacArthur's sermons at, or there is also a GTY (Grace to You) app. I would like to encourage you to listen to sermons or pick up some of his books, or find another great Bible teacher to listen to throughout the week. It's easy to get caught up in fluff, especially for chronically ill people, because we want encouragement and to hear nice things, but even chronically ill people are in a battle. We need to be equipped with the word of God. I would also recommend some John Piper, David Platt, Erwin Lutzer, Nancy Leigh DeMoss. Ligonier ministries has some wonderful resources. Get into the meat of the word - you won't be disappointed!

Last, I'll share this video with you. It is the song High Noon by Andrew Peterson. I have been a fan of Andrew for so many years, and I especially loved his album Carried Along. I remember back in 2003 when Love and Thunder was released. I was young, and I was fairly disappointed with the album, because of the country feel of one of the songs (I am not a fan.), and then this song, High Noon. I thought it was so dorky. So I put that cd away for years. Well a couple of years ago I found it as I was going through my music, and popped it into the cd player in my car. I'm in love with this album. There are a few songs on it that I will just listen to over and over, and High Noon has become one of my favorites. For all I know, it's still a dorky song and I'm just a dork now, but I suspect it's because I appreciate the message of the song so much. Give it a listen.

Oh, and as long as we're talking about my favorites, Andrew also happens to be an author, besides being a talented songwriter. I just finished book 4 of his Wingfeather Saga. Think sort of Narnia epic, but better. If you like those kinds of books, that leave you feeling kind of physically hurt because of the bittersweetness, then I highly recommend these books. You can find his stuff at No affiliate links here - there is another author with the same name who is not this one, so I don't want you to be confused. :)

Do you have some favorite, non-fluffy things? Please comment! Follow me on Facebook! Follow me on Pinterest! :)


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