Monday, July 28, 2014

An Afternoon of Purses and Spoons...

Good afternoon, dear readers, and welcome to today's edition of What's in My Purse? I know, I know, who cares what's in my purse? You do. Just kidding. You probably don't. But here we go anyway.

Actually, I was fighting through the mess of receipts and whatnot in my purse, thinking, I gotta do something about this. Because I use very poor grammar when speaking to myself. I try to keep a fairly organized purse, but it still somehow seems to get out of hand. So, today, I gathered some supplies, and organized as much as I could!

What a boring post. Yes, I agree with you. However, I did think maybe my tips will be useful to someone. You know that whole analogy about spoons and chronic illness? It's called the Spoon Theory written by a lady who has lupus, and I found the story/explanation of it at So, basically everything you do costs a spoon, and you have an unlimited number of spoons, unless you have an illness, in which case you only have a certain number of spoons to get you through a day. If you read the story on the website, it makes more sense than I do. The point is, I feel like there are times when I spend too many spoons on fighting with my purse!

First of all, look at this adorable handbag! It was given to me by a sweet friend from church. I'm in love. If you look to the left there, you can see how the shiny reflects off of the wall. Loooove. And yes, it is huge.

So, I went through my junk and picked out these cosmetic bags that I have, plus I've used a couple of wallets. I have a very eclectic style, and I never worry about whether or not things "go together". If I like it, I'll use it.
I put all of my lip glosses, and my lovely little compact mirror in this little pouch. I feel like when I need to use them, I don't want to have to dig through a bunch of other junk to find the color I want. That little pouch is inside a little pocket in the handbag - it wouldn't make much sense to separate them out and then lose the little pouch.
Isn't this cute? I've had it for years. In fact, I used to use it when I was a teenager for holding those tickets you win at the arcade. Now, it holds all of those annoying savings cards from various stores. I keep the ones I use often in my wallet. It also holds business cards. This is all the way at the bottom of the purse, since I rarely have use for it, but I'm always kicking myself when I visit some obscure store but can't get a discount because I left the card at home!
This is sort of the pharmacy compartment of my bag. I love the see through pouch. This of course contains my essential oils which I use frequently, nail clippers, floss, hand sanitizer (as natural as possible, please), etc. Everything is handy and easy to get to.
Now this little cutie was also given to me by the same sweet friend at church! How fun. As you can see, it holds my gospel tracts. These should also be handy. They used to live at the very bottom of my purse, because they don't get bent and wrinkled down there, but it was hard to get one out quickly. Now they are easily accessible whenever I need them.

See my dog in the background? What a goof. This is my most used little bag, hence the leopard print with pink lining. An important bag ought to be as cute as possible. This contains things like hand lotion, lip balm, and my little pill box - things that are used on a fairly regular basis. That little faux croc pill box has a mirror inside. I became a slightly happier woman the day I bought that - I really love cute things.

Look at this! It's a Spanish style hand fan. You don't even know the times this thing has saved me. I keep it in my purse especially for church. For those with mild heat sensitivity (me), it is wonderful.
This is just a sandwich baggy until I come up with something better. I love ginger Altoids. I deal with chronic nausea and vertigo, so I eat these things alllll the time. And the containers are so fun. Until they get bounced around in your purse and the Altoids turn into powder, then your purse has a dusting of sticky powder on the inside. Not cool. Potentially messy things live in this bag.
This is the last picture. This is my biggest problem. I bought this wallet because it was on clearance, and because I love it. The problem is how little room it has. I took the picture at this weird angle so you can see how thin it is. It holds my important cards, cash, and receipts, although it holds very little. It is also a slippery little booger, and I drop it frequently. And it explodes. I need a new wallet.

I ran out of little pouches, but in was thinking that I should put an empty one in there for things like receipts, hair accessories, little bits of trash, etc. It would be so easy to just clean one little bag out, instead of a whole entire purse. Because I only have so many spoons, don'tcha know.

Do you have any fabulous purse organizing ideas? Let me know!


  1. Exploding or not the super Mario wallet is pretty cool!!! :) i had a Beatles Anthology cigarette case i used like a wallet and LOVED then the latch got loose it started exploding it was/is sad... :) Then i got a case for my phone thats like a wallet and i'm happier :)

    1. Oh the Mario wallet will be repurposed for sure once I get a better one. Mario and win, right?!

  2. Interesting post from the spoon theory. I have not heard it explained that way, and I can see some relationship to it as every day life. I would add that the Lord gives me all my spoons and He sees fit to give me enough for the day...whether I get all I want done or not. They are indeed a blessing - not because I think about the spoons all day, but I think about the spoon-giver through-out the day and am thankful for the spoons I have... and the ones I don't. I trust in Him to provide what I need, which is Christ. Beyond that, even one spoon is overwhelming in His grace.

    PS - I like little bags in my bag too! It is fun and sorta keeps me more organized. =)

    1. I never ever get as much done as I want to in a day, but I figure the Lord allows whatever is His best for me and my day. I need to work on remembering to spend my "spoons" wisely though - focusing on knowing His will for what I should be doing and not doing. Regardless, He is always full of grace, and that is a huge gift! :)
