Saturday, July 26, 2014

Delicious Summer Beverage Recipe

Happy Saturday, my friends! Today, I want to share a recipe I just concocted. It is delicious, if I do say so myself.

I have Celiac disease, and some of us poor slobs who are afflicted by it are unfortunately unable to drink coffee. Apparently, there is a protein in coffee that is similar in structure to the gluten protein. I happen to be one of those poor slobs.

Side note: you know those blogs where the blogger chooses a topic, then does all kinds of research, then writes a very informative post on said topic? I love them. I really do. I learn all kinds of wonderful things. This is not one of those blogs. Whenever I mention something - like the Celiacs and coffee thing - you'll have to find another source for the science of it. I just want to be a source of encouragement.

Another side note: This is not a health blog. I may, occasionally, explore some ideas that may be helpful for chronic disease or general health, but as I told you before, I have a tendency to become obsessed with that stuff. And I have done things in the past that have done more damage to my overall health than good. Again, I want to encourage people. If I write about something that you believe is unhealthy, please adjust accordingly for yourself. Now, onward!

Even back when I could drink coffee, I didn't like that popular place that starts with an "S" and ends in "bucks". I rarely go there. I did end up there a couple of weeks ago, and had a delicious drink, though I can't remember exactly what it was called. Something about a blackberry mojito lemonade thing. Well, this very day, I made a sort of copycat of said drink, and it is more delicious, and cheaper. Win win!

Yet another side note: I have a beautiful camera, but I chose not to use it for this post. I feel I am not nearly as talented as some people I know when it comes to photography, but aside from that, I don't want perfect photos for things like this. More often than not, people with illness don't have time for perfection, and I want my photos to reflect that! So, please forgive my less than ideal photos, as well as my messy kitchen, now and in the future!

Oh, last - maybe last - this is obviously more labor intensive than buying a drink. So, I will tell you, I made the mint syrup yesterday, and my wonderful mother made the tea. Do it in steps - it's okay!

Mintberry Lemonade Green Tea
(Is mintberry a thing? I don't know, but it looks cute to me)
Make the mint simple syrup:
Combine 1 cup water and 1 cup sugar in a saucepan. Add 6 mint tea bags (any kind of mint - I love Bigelow Mint Medley).
Simmer until sugar is completely dissolved. Turn off heat, and allow to steep for at least 20 minutes. You want it super minty.
Here's how we make the tea:
Simmer 3 jasmine green tea and 2 mint tea bags in about 2 cups of water. You can make this as weak or as strong as you like. I like my tea very strong, so I like it a good dark color. Once it is finished, add enough water to make 4 cups of tea total.
Chill the syrup and tea in the fridge. Overnight is best, of course.

Place a few ice cubes in a glass or cup or other such vessel then add:
1/2 oz mint simple syrup
1/2 oz of any flavor berry syrup (the kind they have at those coffee places. Don't use that disgusting stuff you put in milk. Seriously.) I used strawberry, because it's what I have.
2 oz lemonade
4 - 5 oz jasmine mint green tea

Then stir, stir, stir to get it nice and cold!

I don't often like sweet beverages, but this one is so refreshing! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

What do you like to drink in the hot weather? Share in the comments below! And speaking of sharing...don't forget to share my blog!


  1. I love iced minty tea!! Its so refreshing!

  2. I drink coffee (about a quarter cup) over ice with milk and cream. Thick and tastey. I also like brewed ginger, some lime juice and raw apple cider vinegar with water to taste over ice. Very refreshing!

  3. I do love lime! My very favorite thing though is plain old ice water. So good!
