Thursday, July 24, 2014

Just a Happy Post

I want to be mindful of not being a whiner. Sometimes I feel like when I share my struggles, it seems as though I am complaining. I will apologize in advance, because I'm sure there will be some times when it appears that way.

I don't mean to complain, ever, but I do tend toward being somewhat of an Eeyore, or rather, a Puddleglum. He is my favorite character in the Narnia series. I have read those books many times in my life, but it was just a few years ago that I had the realization...that I am....Puddleglum. His pessimistic, glass half full personality is so much like me, it ends up being a little amusing.

Anyway, the point is, I don't want to be a whiner. I am thankful for every circumstance, every trial, every ache and pain that God sovereignly chooses to place in my life. I used to have a very hard time understanding why I was supposed to be thankful. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 tells us to give thanks in everything. The way it was always explained to me is that I should be thankful in spite of my circumstances. Fine. But why does it say "in everything" instead of "in spite of"? It was a conundrum for me. However, I have finally come to understand that God is using every difficult thing in my life to sanctify me. To make me more like Him. What a wonderful peace that gives me, knowing that everything in my life has such a purpose.

Well, this post hasn't really gone where I intended it to! You will get used to that. Sometimes I feel like I have a pinball in my brain. I'll try to get to the point.

This is a post for dog lovers. Or animal lovers in general, I guess. I kind of feel like no matter what your circumstances are, life is hard for everyone, in its own ways. Everybody has things they struggle with, whether they are sick or not. We rely on our gracious God to get us through. The fact that we have His word and the amazing gift of being able to speak with Him any time, any where is pretty incredible, but beyond that He gives us so many blessings. For me, one of the greatest blessings in my life is my little fur babies. I am thankful for them every single day! I love their goofy little personalities, the way they are so playful, and their unconditional love. They bring me so much joy, I truly feel blessed beyond words.

I bet you're picturing some pretty amazing dogs (and a cat). Well, they are. They are also loud and obnoxious, stinky, and rude. They leave hair everywhere and barf on a consistent basis. The other morning, I was happily sleeping away, when suddenly, dogs. Stomping all over my pathetically sore body, licking me all over my face. They are disgustingly happy in the morning. And yet, I am so grateful for those little monsters. There are a lot worse ways to be woken up than by 2 exuberant dogs. Maybe less painful, but certainly less joyful. They might smell like they just crawled out of the dumpster behind a Chinese restaurant, but to me, they are gifts.

Do you have any special pets in your life? Or has God blessed you in another way? Often times what seem like the little things are the big things to people struggling with illness. I love it when I am sick that my sweet dogs are always eager to cuddle with me.

Please remember to share this with friends, and if you have some special little loves in your life, tell me about them in the comments!

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